After playing through Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - I really came to the conclusion that some video game makers really don't have a god damn clue as to what they are doing. Don't get me wrong, the game looks pretty, is put together nicely in a boring linear shooter kind of way that will keep 13 year olds happy. BUT it just made me go ZZzzZzZzzZZZ the entire time.
Typical man vs. all setup. No real new innovations, slow mo shooting has been around for awhile, so has the run n gun type of gameplay.
There's no intriguing story. The game probably has a solid hour worth of cut scenes that I just really didn't give a shit about.
WW2 shooters hate Nazis; Juarez hates Indians. The white man kills off all the Indians because they are too stupid to setup a formidable attack.
When do I get better weapons? - There are a few weapons to choose from in each class but they don't really vary much. They get better as you find the same weapons in better condition. Totally lame.
Pro(s): You get to dual wield six shooters. Cool.
All in all it isn't a particularly bad game - it's just got bumped up graphics with not much attention put to gameplay detail. It just didn't do anything for me at all. Call of Juarez is much like a night of taking E. You just not going to be feeling much at all after it.
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