Red Chair Software company produces Anapod explorer. Anapod explorer is a dumbed down no frills piece of software that allows me to transfer music to and from my ipod with great speed. I prefer it 100% over Itunes. I bought a license for the software back in 2006 and had an Ipod video hooked up with the account. The Ipod video has died and now I have a nano and thought about trying the software out again for it. Unfortunately they only allow you to license it with a specific Ipod - mine being destroyed it obviously did not work on the new nano. Idealy I would like to have it work with the new ipod. After searching under their support section for about 20 minutes I noticed that they were not willing to give up any kind of tech support email. Basically they offer a lifetime guarantee for their product but they do not offer accessable tech support to the public or the registered users for that matter.
In studying some of their other plainly named e-mail addresses I discovered that support@redchairsoftware.com might work. If you had a problem with copyright addresses the available email address was ip@redchairsoftware.com. I'm taking a gamble with the support@redchair but I haven't gotten an email back from Mailer Daemon telling me that my email did not go through. If I recieve an email in the morning from Mr. Daemon, then I'll send another email to ip@redchair and ask them to transfer me to the support section. If that doesn't work I'll continue to send emails through any other posted available email that they have on their site.
Not providing a very accessable tech support pisses me and others off I'm sure. I have a reasonable request and should not have to pay for a piece of software again when I've already purchased it in the past. If they choose not to support my new ipod while terminating the old one's licensing (to make sure I'm not trying to double-dip or trick them) I will be very pissed off and basically spread the word that they are shit.
Will post update.